Getting ready for your lesson
Please view the short health and safety video if your class is located at our Cambridge training centre. This will take no more a few minutes
Please view the short health and safety video if your class is located at Gordonton Hall. This will take no more a few minutes
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When dogs wrestle and play bite at one another they are normally just getting some playful exercise. At other times, the play fighting can get out of control and if your unlucky you could have a full-blown dogfight on your hands. If the fight doesn’t seem to show signs of stopping quickly, it’s important to step in before one or both of the dogs get hurt.
It is important to realise that most punch-ups between dogs only last seconds and can look a lot worse than they actually are. Under no circumstances should you get between two dogs that are actively fighting. It is likely that during the high adrenaline drive the dog will mistake you for another target and you may be bitten.
Steps to Take:
- Stay Calm.
Most dogfights only last for seconds. Your greatest asset is a clear head so you can assess the risk effectively.
Try hard to resist the urge to grab your dog by the collar, it is a normal thing to do. This might be your first thought, but when dogs are really fighting, they may whip around and bite instinctively, even without any past aggression. When the dogs’ bodies are rigid and it’s clear they’re actually fighting, not playing, don’t risk reaching your hand in there.
- Make as much noise as you can.
Dogfights don’t last long, so use whatever you have at hand. The best thing you can do is to try and distract the dogs enough to break their focus on the fight. Shout, shriek, stomp your feet, and clap your hands to attract the dogs’ attention. But remember to keep your emotions in check, you still need to stay calm in this situation.
- Use a water hose or small fire extinguisher
Water can really get a dog’s attention. Douse the fighting dogs with a hose, a bucket, or a cup of soda if you have to. There is no harm to your dogs this way, and in most cases the dogs will walk away just a little wet. In extreme cases use the fire extinguisher and give a short blast of cold air.
- Separate the dogs using a barrier
Use the barrier provided to try and separate the two dogs involved. Ensure that you do not put your hands in the vicinity of your dog’s mouth.
- Throw a blanket over the dogs
Occasionally some dogs will stop fighting when it is dark. Throwing a blanket or jacket over the dogs may stop them from fighting long enough for you to separate them.
- Use the Mindfulness4dogs collar techniques
Once the initial fighting has stopped and the dogs have been separated, use the Mindfulness4dogs collar calming techniques (taught on the course) to calm your dog down. Often the adrenaline levels of a post-fight dog are very high, and a fight can start again if we leave the dog in that heightened state.
- Take your dog home
If your dog will not calm down after an incident it is important to remove your dog from the situation completely and take them home.
- If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately by operating the nearest fire alarm.
- Call the Fire Service 111.
- Leave the building by the designated escape route, or if blocked then by the next safest escape route.
- Leave your area’s lights on. If they are off, please turn them on when exiting. This will assist the Fire Service when entering and searching the building.
- No personal belongings or cups of coffee/tea are permitted to be carried out of the building in the case of a fire evacuation.
- Assemble at the designated evacuation point.
- Do not attempt to re-enter the building until the “All Clear” has been given by the Fire Service.
- Potentially dangerous processes and equipment should be shut down, only if possible to do so safely and without delay.
- Move quickly. Do not run. Remain calm at all times.
- Note: If you need to evacuate the building, do not try and take any animals with you. The firefighters will rescue animals from the area upon their arrival.
Do not fight a fire if you chance upon it, unless it is small enough for you to do so safely and without any chance of it spreading before you can extinguish it. Sound the alarm first, and follow the procedure outlined above.
- In the event of an earthquake, drop to the ground.
- Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture.
- Hold Note: Do not hold on to the top of the furniture or anywhere where fingers may be injured by falling objects. Hold on to something sturdy and sheltered, such as a table leg.
- If a sturdy piece of furniture is unavailable, shelter against an interior wall away from glass (e.g. windows), bookcases, or any other source of falling objects.
- Once the ground has stopped shaking, emerge from your shelter with caution, staying alert for any hazards, such as objects that may be on the verge of falling.
- Take note of safe places in the room(s) in which you are working, so that you can respond quickly in the event of an earthquake.
In the unlikely event of a bomb threat, remain calm and follow the directions below:
- The New Zealand police have issued a bomb threat checklist that can be used to record information if a bomb threat is received (
- Call the Police 111.
- Relay as much information as possible about the threat.
- Follow instructions given by the Police.
- Notify your supervisor as soon as possible.
A zoonotic disease is a disease that can be transmitted from an animal to a human and causes illness. Dogs may carry such diseases and training in such close proximity increases your exposure. Risks are low, but it is important to be aware of them. We have procedures in place to reduce the spread of zoonotic diseases and minimize the risk of contracting one. Please be aware that there are many illnesses that, while not transmissible to humans, can be transmitted to other animals. Ensure you wash your hands after handling your dog and other peoples dogs.
If you know that your dog / puppy is ill please do not bring them to training classes, this include having a mild case of diarrhea. Many infectious diseases start with diarrhea.

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