by | Sep 28, 2023 | General Training, Puppy Training
We all know that dogs are a human’s best friend, and when you have a multi-dog family, your heart is brimming with love. Yet, life in a multi-dog household can be quite an adventure. It’s a journey filled with laughter, moments of chaos, and endless...
by | Sep 12, 2023 | General Training, Puppy Training
Have you ever wondered about those mysterious puppy fear haseand how they affect your four-legged friend’s journey? Well, you’re in for a treat because today, we’re taking a mindful plunge into this fascinating topic. Fear Phase: A Puppy’s Rite... by Papia Rowe | Nov 2, 2020 | The Mindful Puppy Blog
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Strike a Pose. Wow – I know that puppy socialisation is key to ensuring that a puppy grows up as balanced as can be, but I really did not expect to have the opportunity to get our puppies in front of a specialist animal... by Papia Rowe | Sep 17, 2020 | The Mindful Puppy Blog
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Here Kitty, Kitty! Puppy socialisation takes all shapes and sizes. We are lucky enough to have two beautiful cats that are around 6 years old now. One cat is quite a stand offish cat who has never wanted anything to do with the... by Papia Rowe | Aug 30, 2020 | The Mindful Puppy Blog
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Puppy Preschool Graduates. Yes, it’s true. We take our puppies through exactly the same training as we offer to others through our puppy preschool course. Of course, our puppies tend to start way ahead of most of these puppies as...